Beard Transplant

Beard Transplant

Research has shown that bearded men are perceived as more masculine, more mature and even physically stronger, as well as being a symbol of a beautiful appearance.

What is Beard Transplant?

Beard transplantation is the process of transplanting hair follicles from another part of your body (usually on the back or under your chin) to your face.

Beard transplantation is performed using a technique called follicular unit transfer (FUT), which consists of removing –2000 hairs at a time to ensure the best texture and closure. The doctor makes small incisions in the beard area to determine the direction and growth of your beard. The source hair is then placed in these incisions. It is performed under local anesthesia.

In beard transplantation as in a normal hair transplant, we transplant the hair from the neck using FUE technology. In other words, we extract a dense hair in one go and plant it in the sparse area where you want a denser beard.

Are Beards Planted Permanent?
Transplanted beards are permanent and grow like normal facial hair and can be trimmed or shaved as desired.

What are the reasons that reveal the need for beard cultivation?

  • In fact, many men primarily suffer from unevenly distributed or nonexistent facial hair.
  • In this case, only beard transplantation can help you grow a thick beard under certain conditions.
  • For example, the key to a successful beard transplant is to have enough grafts in your donor area, which is usually your own beard.
  • Thus, anyone who is over the age of 20 and does not have a systematic disease can have beard and mustache transplantation as long as there are enough grafts for permanent treatment of facial hair loss.
  • How long does a beard transplant take?

    A full beard transplant can take about eight hours, and the road to recovery and growth of a full beard can take several weeks.

    What happens after Beard Transplantation?

    Your transplanted beards will begin to shed 15-30 days after surgery. But that's good news - your new beard roots are just getting ready for the growth move. In about 90 days, your beard will have completed its growth and most beard roots will be in place. About four months after the operation, your beard starts to close; You will be able to grow a full beard in about nine months.

    Are there any risks or side effects?

    As with most surgeries, there is a risk of infection and some bleeding, but these are rare in beard transplantation. Sometimes the beard roots can become infected and inflamed. Although most beards cover that area over time, there is a possibility of scarring in the source area. Results may vary, so be realistic about your expectations.

    Beard Transplant Types

    The most commonly used procedure in beard transplantation is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). The surgeon removes individual hair (in the roots) from a donor area and transplants it where you want your beard to be filled.

    Note: The information contained in the contents is not for diagnosis and treatment!