Eyebrow Transplant

Eyebrow Transplant

Eyebrow transplantation is done by a cosmetic or plastic surgeon with the transfer of your own hair. While the procedure looks simple, there are many aspects to consider, from cost to risks and side effects.

What is eyebrow transplant?

An eyebrow transplant, sometimes called eyebrow restoration, is the process of removing hair follicles from another part of your body (usually from the back of your scalp) to increase the shape and fullness of your eyebrows.

Eyebrow transplantation is a natural-looking, permanent solution for people who experience eyebrow loss due to a medical condition or who have diluted eyebrows due to excessive tweezers or whose eyebrows have disappeared.

Eyebrow transplantation, as we all know, has a special importance because the eyebrows are considered one of the most important features of the face, not only because they look beautiful aesthetically, but also because of their importance in expressing emotions.

Will I feel pain during eyebrow transplantation?
The only thing you will feel is the anesthetic injection that takes about 3 minutes to the donor area and 5 minutes to the face. All applications after anesthesia are painless.

What are the benefits of eyebrow transplantation instead of microblading?

  • Eyebrow transplantation is the best way to achieve permanent, three-dimensional eyebrows.
  • The procedure creates full eyebrows in the shape of a beautiful eyebrow designed for your face.
  • With a transplant, your own hair is typically transferred from the back of your head to your brow area to create a new, fuller eyebrow. Bristles naturally grow and are permanent.
  • Since eyebrows are created with your own hair, the results look much more natural than Eyebrows made with microblading or makeup.
  • Microblading is a method in which pigment is used to create the appearance of the hairs in the outermost layers of the skin.
  • Microblading is not real hair, does not give a three-dimensional appearance and tends to fade over time, so it is a process that must be repeated to preserve results.
  • Are There Any Side Effects of Eyebrow Transplantation?

    Any surgical operation may have an effect on patients as well as in eyebrow transplantation; like redness and swelling.

    Patients are informed after the operation, as long as all procedures for sterilization and health care are followed, serious side effects are not expected after eyebrow transplantation.

    How Long Does Eyebrow Transplantation Take?

    The operation takes at least two to three hours, but in some cases it may take longer due to the need to fine-tune the direction of each eyebrow to achieve the desired aesthetic result.

    You can learn all the details about eyebrow transplantation, all about hair and beard transplantation by contacting us.

    What is the Islamic rule about Eyebrow Transplantation?

    On this subject in Islamic Jurisprudence; It is said that "plastic surgery aimed at repairing defects caused by an accident, deterioration, burn or loss is allowed."

    How about eyebrow care after Eyebrow Transplantation?

  • It is not recommended to pluck the transplanted eyebrows as it will slow the growth of the eyebrows. We remind you that one of the main causes of eyebrow loss is mentioned over plucking. For a better shape, you can shape them by shortening them with an expert.
  • Note: The information contained in the contents is not for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes!