Frequently asked Questions (FAQ)

As a result of interviews with so many customers already served by our clinic, the Most Frequently Asked Questions section is a perspective for you on the important questions that almost all applicants tend to ask.

Question: How to do hair transplantation?


Hair transplantation is an uncomplicated process that revolves around the transport (transplantation) of bald resistant hair follicles from the back of the head to the balding areas on the upper part of the head.

Hair Transplantation is performed with painless and needle-free local anesthesia! If You Are Afraid of Surgery, you can try Prp treatment.

With advanced technology, operations are performed painlessly and painlessly for all patients with needle phobia! Thanks to local pressure anesthesia without needles, you can regain your old hair with a healthy operation without feeling pain.

Question: How permanent is the transplanted hair?


Once done, the subsequent effects of this process are valid for a lifetime. This is because the hair follicles taken from the back of the head are genetically resistant to baldness.

Regardless of where they are placed, after one of these treatments you will get baldness "for life".

Question: Will my hair transplant results look beautiful and natural?


When a difficult procedure such as hair transplantation is done correctly, the results may surprise you. It can be so natural that even your hair stylist won't know you had a hair transplant! However, this hair transplant varies greatly as a result of the skill and experience of the surgeon.

It is important to choose the right clinic. Thanks to the right choice, you will get a completely natural look that you will not regret later.

The state-of-the-art hair transplant procedure we recommend is called "Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation".

Please make an appointment to learn more about the leading hair transplant physicians performing this procedure.

Question: How long does the hair transplant process take?


A typical hair transplant session is generally completed in a maximum of 6-8 hours. It means an externally patient-based program.

However, most patients arrive in the morning and their procedures are completed in the afternoon!

Question: Does the hair transplant procedure hurt?


With needles and other tools, local anesthesia is given to all patients, both to the donor area and to the area to be transplanted, to prevent any pain.

Most patients are sure that they do not feel pain or discomfort during surgery after anesthesia is given.

Following surgery, patients will typically feel some pain, numbness and some discomfort.

Most patients are genuinely surprised at how little discomfort is from the surgical procedure.

Question: What should I not do in the first few days after treatment?


Stay calm, restrictions are for the first three days after your hair transplant treatment.

During the recovery phase, there should be no running, cardio activities, weight lifting or other sports trips so that there is no sweating.

Question: When can I shave after the treatment?


Shaving is not done for at least a month.

Question: When is the first time I can take a light shower?


Your first wash after hair transplantation is done by our experts the next day. Afterwards, a special shampoo and hair spray should be used as described every day.

Question: When can I go swimming in a normal chlorinated pool?


Chlorinated water should never touch your hair, you can only enter chlorinated water 30 days after your hair transplant operation.


The information contained in the contents is not for diagnosis and treatment purposes!

Does your hair fall out and do you want to prevent it in time?

To avoid feeling bad about the health of your hair and its look tomorrow, contact our clinic today!
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